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Brazil 2016 HOSPITALAR
Release time:2016-05-31 Author:admin Source:

 During May 17th 2016 to May 20th 2016 we attend the HOSPITALAR in Brazil.

This is the Biggest Medical Exhibition in South American.

We met our old customers and new customers here.

A lot of customer like our design and our products.

We now find a partner who can help us to get the registration in Brazil.

We will always do our best to supply our products to South American.

Coopyright 2015 m.rannian.cn Tianrong medical communication equipment Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Company address: 21-1 Yangshan Road, Xuzhou Economic development zone, xuzhou city, jiangsu province, china, 24 hour Hotline :+86-13395229510 telephone :+86-516-85532818 E-mail : LB@tianrong.cn
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